Need assistance on sites containing erd advance examples

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Guys, I am creating an entity relationship diagram. I need assistance. Can you suggest to me sites that contain erd advance examples. Hope you can help me out. I am try to make an erd for my hospital. Thanks

Answered By 0 points N/A #196970

Need assistance on sites containing erd advance examples


Hello Jason,

An Entity RelationshipDiagram (ERD) is a graphical representation of various kinds of data using conventions that will describe how these data are related with one and another. There are couple of software's which uses to draw ERD Diagrams.For an example Smart Draw, Full Rational Rose with license, Star UML are the best ERD drawing software.

These Websites will help you to draw an ER Diagram.

Guide to ER Diagrams

Smart Draw guide

Below I have shown you an example ER Diagrams for a Hospital.



Thank you.

Rubi Sharlene

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