Cannot install ConfigMgr 2012 .

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

We are trying to install ConfigMgr 2012 on a primary site and this scenario is giving errors. An SQL named instance is supported by ConfigMgr which a known fact. Then there should not be any errors.


Could not connect or execute SQL query. Click the view Log button for more information.

Answered By 0 points N/A #138388

Cannot install ConfigMgr 2012 .



First create SSL certificate then assign SSL certificate to SQL network property.

Please follow instruction presented below:

1. Right click Cert Template container on CA (Certificate Authority MMC snap) then select New or Certificate Template

2. Select the newly created template.

3. Reboot CA

4. Now you login to SQL server.

5. Open computer certificate snap-in then request a new certificate selecting the newly created cert template.

You must do above five steps successfully. Now you can easily specify this certificate to SQL network property

Create the dialog box as shown in figure.

You have done the above procedure successfully now in your installation process no interrupts produce.

The above picture demonstrate about certificate that SCCM create and automatically apply during installation process.


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