Hi expert, I am using Ubuntu 13.04 version on my computer. I am interested to Ubuntu. I want to capture the desktop using some software. My friend told me about screenhunter untuk ubuntu software. So now I want to download screenhunter untuk ubuntu. Please suggest me some URLs to download it. Thanks.
Want to download screenhunter untuk ubuntu
You can install ScreenHunter to your Ubuntu because this software only supports Windows OS. But you can download ScreenHunter at this link for free.
Link: http://download.cnet.com/ScreenHunter-Free/3000-13633_4-10063246.html
ScreenHunter has helped you to get a chapter on anything within your screen in an easy way. The process of using this is very simple so it is easy to learn and the options are also easy to man.
Want to download screenhunter untuk ubuntu
Hi Anthony,
ScreenHunter is a software used to capture important screen captures of details that you would not want to forget. It can capture a full window, an active window or a rectangular area. It then automatically saves the image as JPEG. You can get ScreenHunter on the following link http://www.wisdom-soft.com/products/screenhunter.htm
There is another good tool that achieves the same results. This is called the ScreenShot. You can also try this and i have placed a link below to download it. http://download.cnet.com/s/screenshot/