PC keeps on restarting from boot screen

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


I had installed Linux. but it keeps on restarting from the boot screen making a Click sound in the motherboard.

Help please?

Best Answer by Tarikul Islam
Answered By 5 points N/A #91506

PC keeps on restarting from boot screen



Dorothy hope the following steps will guide you in fixing of this issue.

  • Hey don't worry dude its not a major problem as this problem is occurred due to the missing of files of your operating system LINUX try once checking the files at the time of booting only if it is not possible do it via safe mode even if it is not possible try with the Bios settings.
  • This mostly occur only at the time of missing of file so no need to worry just recover the system once and if any files are missed add them immediately by inserting the operating system of LINUX.
  • If any important files just store them using safe mode because after some mean time the system even may not be turned on so you first make a backup and recheck the files whether any missed and also if Motherboard drivers lost mean you have to definitely restart your system without questioning .
  • Its better to format now itself to prevent in going it as major damage for your Motherboard and CPU.
Thank you. 🙂
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #91507

PC keeps on restarting from boot screen


Solving this problem is easy, simply enter the correct resolution of our Grub to do this very easily we can use a simple application called StartUp-Manager.

StartUp-Manager is a simple application with which we can configure our Boot Loader Grub easily between the different configurations we can also adjust the resolution.

Install StartUp-Manager is very simple since it is down there, in the default repositories of Ubuntu, is simply a to install Ubuntu Software Center or from a terminal type:

sudo apt-get install startupmanager

Once installed start it (you will be prompted for the password to start it) and on the first tab called Boot Options on Screen we can set the correct resolution, the board also enter the same resolution also on board Advanced -> Resolution of the bootloader menu close and restart.

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