Game Assassin’s Creed installing time CTC error appeared

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi experts,

During the install of my new bought game Assassin’s Creed this error appeared and the single available option is to Abort. If I click Retry and Ignore it appears again, these two options not working. Should I return the game to the merchant? Is an error with my Windows 7?

Thank you!

CTC Error

CRC error: The file C:Program Files (x86)Ubisoft Assassin’s Creed BrotherhoodSoundDatapcsounds_sfx.pck doesn’t match the file in the setup’ file. The medium from which you are running the setup may be corrupted; contact your software vendor.

Abort       Retry      Ignore


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Answered By points N/A #167179

Game Assassin’s Creed installing time CTC error appeared



It looks like the setup might have become corrupted due to bad CD/DVD. It is normal that data on a CD/DVD might become corrupted as it is the worst media for sharing data in my judgment.

Create a folder inside your PC, copy all the data of your CD/DVD inside that folder and then run the setup from the folder.

If that still doesn’t work for you, you should get another CD/DVD as the part of the installation data is corrupted permanently inside the disc and can’t be recovered. Only a fresh copy of the setup will work.

Enjoy Assassin’s Creed!

Answered By 590495 points N/A #167180

Game Assassin’s Creed installing time CTC error appeared


I think this game you purchased has a really big problem. At first, I thought it was just an ordinary error related to the graphics adapter which is the usual problem on computer games when users just purchase it without getting any information about it. But when I saw that 3-letter word “CRC” on top of the dialog box, that is really something and really sounds bad.

CRC stands for Cyclic Redundancy Check. It is an error-detecting code normally used on storage devices and digital networks to discover accidental changes or modification to raw data. This code is used to check and protect the program against common types of errors. If no error was triggered during the launch of an application then it is still intact.

But when a CRC error was launched during the execution of a program then it is no longer fit for execution because it already contains errors and when a program has errors it will never run. You can get a CRC error if your file or program is damaged or corrupted. So in your case, before you return the CD to the store where you purchased it, in case it is not a download version, be sure to check your DVD drive first.

If it is a newly purchased CD, it is possible that your optical drive is dirty. Your DVD drive only needs a little cleaning using any CD cleaner and it should be able to read the disc again after that. Another way to check if the CD is really working is to load it on a different computer and try installing it there.

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