Windows XP Resolution Problem For High Resolution Monitor

Can we Provide High Resolution 3D Games on Lower Resolution Window XP System on high Resolution Monitor?

Can we Provide High Resolution 3D Games on Lower Resolution Window XP System on high Resolution Monitor?
Well mostly 3D games can be play on Lower Resolution in windows XP. Well this all depends on your computer's graphic card if your are using a good gaming graphic card then your can easily play 3D games in your windows XP on high resolutions Monitor.
While so many games having their requirements your should check your computer hardware if your computer hardware meet all the requirements of your game Requirements then your can easily play the 3D games. While if you are facing problem then try to use some game emulators which can be adjust Lower Resolution to High Resolution hope this all will work for you.
If you have high resolution monitor then you can fix windows XP resolution on the rate of your monitor resolution. Windows XP do not have the fix resolution rate. Windows XP supports dynamically changed resolution. So you can change your resolution at once. So now go and change your resolution.
Right click on your desktop and go properties option on that pop up menu. Then click on settings at the right of that menu.
Here you will see a option named screen resolution. Turn left or right that scrolls under that and set your monitor resolution as you want. In this way you can fix resolution in Windows XP.