Asked By
370 points
Posted on - 05/26/2011
I have used all those versions of Windows and I have seen that windows XP is a lot faster than Windows Vista! Isn't it a funny thing the older version is faster than the younger version of Windows.
But the Windows Seven is much better than Windows Vista.
The main thing I want to know what is the problem with Windows vista, Why it is slower than Windows XP?
It was expected to be a new breakthrough for Microsoft but what it is its slower than windows XP. That is their improvement?
Is there any way to speed up the System in which is used the Windows Vista? I have seen the copying speed is very slow than compared to Windows Seven.
Though I have copied files from CD to my hard drive at the rate of 11 MB/sec in windows Seven but in windows Vista this rate is much lower average 7 MB/Sec.
Now I want to know is it possible to speed up the system? If there is any way please tell me I am waiting for an answer.
Answered By
0 points
Why Windows Vista is slow than XP and Seven??
You are correct in saying that Windows Vista is a newer operating system than Windows XP. The main reason why Windows Vista is slow is because of the difference in the interface. If you will notice, Vista is like a Beta version.
Also, Vista has a lot of security or system updates that automatically start every time you log on to your computer. These are called start up programs. You just need to disable the automatic startup for these programs so they don't consume your disk space.
To disable startup programs from automatically starting:
First, click on the Start orb, then go to All Programs. Choose Windows Defender. You can also type in on the search field "Windows Defender." When you see the Windows Defender window, click on Tools in the upper part. Once the window for tools opens, select Software Explorer.
When you have clicked on Software, another window will open that will show all the programs installed on your computer. Just click on the dropdown menu which says "Category," then choose "Startup Programs. Once you show all the Startup programs, just click on the program that you don't often use and there will also be a dropdown that will allow you to choose if you want to "disable them at startup."
Since you mentioned that you already have Windows 7, you just need to maintain your computer so that it will function properly. I would suggest that you clear cache and cookies before you log off your computer so that the temporary internet files will not clog the memory of your computer.
To clear cache and cookies, just click on the Tools Menu at the top of your internet explorer browser. Once you have clicked on Tools, choose the button Delete Browsing History. Just choose the buttons for Delete Files, Delete Cookies, and Delete History if your computer is set to remember passwords.
If you do not want the computer to remember passwords, just click on the Delete All button. Remember to put a check on the box that asks "Also delete files and settings stored by add-ons." This process will NOT delete your important files. They will just delete the cookies or cache, which are temporary files that are stored on your computer every time you visit a website. These slow down your computer's memory.
This process is for Windows 7 and will help speed up your computer's processes. Hope this helps!
Answered By
0 points
Why Windows Vista is slow than XP and Seven??
Windows Vista is a net based operating system. It deals with many online facilities. When we consider the GUI of the Vista there are many options rather than Windows XP. We can see many differences between the GUI of both Operating systems.
But when Microsoft introduces Windows vista there are many faults in the program. Without releasing updates of Vista they introduced Windows 7 which based on vista. They were able to fix faults in vista and they released fixed vista as Windows 7. Hence Windows 7 is faster than Windows vista.