While open a file on Ubuntu I received an error message

Asked By 100 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

While open a file on Ubuntu I received an error message.

Have a look at the screenshot below.

The same problem is also applicable for some other files. For those files, I receive the error message frequently.

I visited the respective site to get a remedy of this issue but no result.

Have you any idea?

Please help.

The folder contents could not be displayed

Error accessing ‘file:///external_storage_location’: File not found

Best Answer by Abbot Nimrod
Answered By 0 points N/A #190659

While open a file on Ubuntu I received an error message


Hello Martin,

Are you sure there are files in the folder that you are trying to access because from this error message it seems like there are no files.

If the files are in that location then it is more probable then they are corrupted or are in a format that cannot be opened by that application.



Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #190660

While open a file on Ubuntu I received an error message


Hi Martin,

There can be several issues here: One, it can be the access permissions issue. On the external folder that you are trying to access, you may not have the proper permissions to list the files in that folder. Normally you need ‘X’ permission in order to be able to ‘CD’ to a directory and ‘r’ permission is required to be able to ‘read’ the contents. 

It could also be possible that there are no files in that folder.

Please review these points and try again.

Hope that helps.


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