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Posted on - 11/22/2011
Hello all,
Here comes my question:
I was installing SDK on my XP box. After installing the ADOBE AIR SDK I was trying to point to it while installing the web works package. I got a message about an Incorrect SDK:
"Incorrect SDK Detected
Incorrect AIR® SDK selected. Please browse to to get the Adobe® AIR® SDK 2.5."
I got the SDK from Adobe web page. I don't understand, what kind of AIR SDK do i need to select?
All the best
Web Works SDK installation problem – Incorrect SDK detected
You have downloaded Adobe AIR SDK which deploys and build ADOBE AIR applications ,but it may not suit for your system.
Actually I don't know which SDK you actually want to download and If want to download blackberry tablet OS SDK for Adobe AIR,i prefer you could download it from blackberry site .
The link is given below
Or you could directly click the link "Download BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for AIR for Windows"
Web Works SDK installation problem – Incorrect SDK detected
You have downloaded Adobe AIR SDK which deploys and build ADOBE AIR applications but it may not suit for your system.
Actually I don't know which SDK you actually want to download and If want to download blackberry tablet OS SDK for Adobe AIR i prefer you could download it from blackberry site .
The link is given below
Or you could directly click the link "Download BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for AIR for Windows"
Let me know whether which SDK you want to download and i ll note you the difference between the two.
You was trying to install  Adobe AIR SDK which provides the tools necessary to build and deploy Adobe AIR applications, including Framework for Adobe AIR APIs,Template for the Adobe AIR application install badge,Command-line Adobe AIR, Debug Launcher (ADL) and Command-line Adobe AIR Developer Tool (ADT).
And what i had mentioned above is BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK for adobe AIR ,a new version from blackberry which provides a setup wizard for your development environment, code signing keys, debug tokens and target devices.
Let me know which one you want to install and for which system you need it.