Troubleshooting N/W Latency Techniques In The System

How do we TROUBLE N/W LATENCY, when there is a problem in the network while pinging the websites or browsing on the web?

How do we TROUBLE N/W LATENCY, when there is a problem in the network while pinging the websites or browsing on the web?
Latency isalso known as called has Lag. Which is defined has the amount of time takes for a packet to transfer from one system to another.
There is something called has a HOP at each hop our ISP team troubleshoots n/w latency from one network to another when we are communicating like the operation ping. When we ping it goes to the server. Lets look at traceroute results from your position to your server and from the server to our location. Then we can look further for outside of the box with the traceroute utilising a looking glass server to determine where the bottleneck is located.
The following diagramrepresents the information that travels from your computer (client) to the computer your website,and the emails which we send through the server. The ISP is owned by the dial-up provider. Important note: TheISP’s network is shown in the below diagram. Globe in the diagram indicates the Internet connection n/w.
Tools To Toubleshoot N/W Problems:
To solve the N/w problems you can employ two useful tools
1. Ping
2. Traceroute
Ping: Ping is a tool used used to check weather the host is responding to the remote computer or not, it uses Internet Message Control Protocol (IMCP) to and receive data packets and the time taken will be in the milliseconds, Here is an example of a ping dialogue:
The only thing you we need to check is the time taken for the packet to to ping and return time in the above fig is When the rate of transfer is 1000/s or if there exists and asterisk (*) there is an error in the connection between you and the server.
1.) Traceroute: Traceroute is just like ping it used to send and receive the packets but to the specified remote computer in the specified path. It takes the packets to return, trace route is the perfect tool to see where N/w problems are occurring. Here is what your average trace route dialogue looks like : Like ping’s results, deciphering trace routes dialogue is easy. Every hop done in the traceroute to the remote computer from the host will be showed in the order of hostname and IP addresses. The results, are all most in the ms, every one from three probes will be sent to remote computer or to the host each hop.
The same rules which are for the ping also applicable for the traceroute. The Number near 100 and asterisks represent n/w problems. In the shown example we can that their is some problem on 7-11 hops: If we perform a WHOIS query on the databases of (ARIN) on the last packet we could know that it’s owned by global crossing, which is a backbone and handles all the n/w-related services including any dial-up connections and websites etc. If at all you have a n/w problem it must be because of this n/w issues.