Hello experts,
I need to change the terminologies/ language on my HTC device but I don't know how to do it right. I am new to mobile phones so can you please help me on this? Do I need to download anything to set it correctly? Please help me guys.
Terminologies and Languages on my HTC Device
I see that you are not familiar with the terminologies that are used in mobile phones. First of all, terminologies are word/s that is/are used to signify concepts particular in a certain subject. It is basically a vocabulary of technical terms.Â
On your phone, language can be changed to different foreign languages (English, Spanish, French, Tagalog, German, Chinese, and more) but the terminologies are permanent.
This is what you can do. Research on different terms that are used in your phone so that you can be familiar with them. The following websites might help you:
Computer Glossary Whatls – You will be able to a find technical definition by topic. It topics consist of application development, computer science, consumer technology, data center, IT management, learning tools, networking, security, and storage and data management.
Basic Computer Terminology – The page is called "Basic Computer Terminology". This provides a few terminologies which are arranged alphabetically. You don't need to search for it anymore. Every terminology available in the website is already listed. All you need to do is scroll.
Common Computer Terms – The PC Glossary provides definition of computer and internet terms. Terms can be searched through their first letter.
Computer Basic: Terminology – Computer Basics: Some Basic Terminology is provided by the University of Chicago. They provided a small list of terminologies that are usually encountered when using a computer.
TechTerms Computer Dictionary – The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary is just like the PC Glossary. You can search terms using their first letter.
Dynamic Computer Terminology – Computer Terminology provides terms only concerning the Computer / Desktop components. It is a very small list but if you want to familiarize yourself with it, this link will be very helpful.
It would also be useful if you download applications on your HTC that would help you familiarize with the terminologies. Try this.
IT & Computer Dictionary – This link is connected to Google play. You can see here the description of the application, its price, reviews, and other additional information.