I am addicted Facebook user. I manage more than 12 pages on Facebook, so to manage and update them I need to be fast. As we have shortcuts in Windows like, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V etc, tell me some shortcuts that can be used on Facebook to do the editing and switching(from one tab to another) faster. That would be of a great help to me. Please Suggest.
Tell me some Facebook Shortcuts like Windows
The shortcuts you are asking depends on the web browser you are using because not all browsers share the same keyboard shortcuts in browser navigation. For Maxthon web browser, you can navigate between tabs using F2 and F3. Press F2 for the previous tab and F3 for the next tab.
Closing a tab can be done with CTRL + W. If you need to copy the entire web address in the address bar, you can press F6 to highlight the entire address bar and then just press CTRL + C to copy. To view the source code of the current page, you can do it with CTRL + U.
It will help you learn how the page is constructed. Maxthon also allows you to customize different shortcuts. For example, if I want to close all the tabs in the browser, I use CTRL + SHIFT + A. If I want to close the browser, I use CTRL + SHIFT + X as alternative to ALT + F4 and the close button.
In Opera, closing a tab is similar to Maxthon using CTRL + W. To open a new tab, you can use CTRL + T the same with Maxthon. If you want to open a new window instead of tab, you can press CTRL + N.