Question about the Linked account

How should I know if a linked account has included a cycle in it and at what node the cycle starts?
And how will you switch the doubly-linked account?

How should I know if a linked account has included a cycle in it and at what node the cycle starts?
And how will you switch the doubly-linked account?
Hi Anna, Performance cycle node is the operational performance of the cycle. And performance cycle summarizes all the work necessary to perform a logistic operation. While nodes are the organization involves in the supply chain. Performance cycle links interconnect the deferent nodes in the cycle to create a coherent flows of materials in supply chain.Â
A p-cycle offer an expanded 100% protection scheme on node at the expense of p-cycle overlapping with a very mild impact in the bandwidth efficiency, the CG offers protection both in nodes and links.
Did you mean the Floyd's algorithm of cycle detection?  The number of steps of the first meeting must be multiple of the cycle length, and that mu steps from either of this position or the start position will take you to the start of the cycle.Â