If Client Access License is just "paper-based" licenses, how can a network administrator control or monitor the use of permission to identify in the license that follows the agreement and to control what computer domain user account to access? Do you have any idea?
Query on Client Access License
Basically the client access license or in short CAL, is a license that gives the users the right to access the SERVICES of the server.
Now the actual control of the CAL is not a paper based document, rather it starts since the time of installation of the server operating system by the Administrator. When the server is installed, the Admin provides the number of CALS allowed based on the document, and the type of license (per user, per seat, or per mailbox license).
Then the Admin with the security team define the policy of per user as to which user can access which service and how by enforcing the group policies on the server as well as on the client work / webstations.
Furthermore, as you mentioned the domain use, it means there is again another control by mean of the Active Directory tool to monitor the user activity etc.
Then there are multiple license management tools which also are used to protect the software vendor’s proprietary rights, as well as there are processes which are used by the organizations which document and control where and how the company’s software products are used.
In short the paper based CAL is only for initial setup of O/S and not the control. The controls are briefly described above.