Problem regarding Internet Explorer 6.0

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -


I have encountered a problem with  Internet Explorer 6.0. While I try to start IE6 I get an error message displaying that Internet Explorer has performed an Invalid Page Fault in Module Kernel 32.DLL. 

I have tried a couple of things I found at other technical sites including Microsofts.

I tried removing and reinstalling 6.0. Nevertheless got the same error with 5.5 and again with the reinstalled 6.0.

Answered By 0 points N/A #79911

Problem regarding Internet Explorer 6.0


The latest version of Internet Explorer is 9.0. If you are using IE6, you need to upgrade to IE9. 

The error you are specifying relates to memory and more commonly the memory that is supposed to be set for Internet Explorer is being used by other programs. If you are using IE6, then the cause of this is your internet explorer version. You need to download the newest version and upgrade any patches. 

Download ccleaner and check for virus, malware, and registry errors. Also, all programs that you run, make certain that they are up to date and all patches have been installed. Also, since this is a memory error, check your memory for any damage.

If your memory is damaged get it replaced. 

Once these are all fixed and you are running the latest version of Internet Explorer there should not be any more errors.

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