Hello there,
I have verified my available space from SD Card and phone memory and I have plenty of free space. The problem is that this error appears every time I try to download something. It doesn’t matter that I download a song or a picture, this error stop the download. I don’t know what could be the cause so can anyone help me with this error please? What is happening with my phone? Thanks!
Not Enough Storage to Download
You must clear space own your drive before you can download.
Not Enough Storage to Download
MAKE SURE you are in the data/log directory by typing in pwd, followed by return. It should print out the present working directory you are in: /data/log. It is very important to make sure you are in the right directory as the next step removes all files in whatever working directory you presently are in.
Remove all the files in the directory by typing in rm *, followed by return.
Close the terminal window or app, or type in exit to leave the SU session.
This is the problem of the dump log or cache log in system dump, you can clear this in logs in data folder of the application. This is manually done without sysdump if you have rooted device .
In that case make sure Super user and terminal emulater application are installed (It is automatically installed with custom ROM’s)
Now run the terminal emulater then type su and press return, this will open the Super User promt and then access the super user to use the application then change the current directory by typing this comand “cd /data/log” followed by return