Method For How To Convert Ppt To Excel Tips

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am looking for tools on how to convert ppt to excel real quick. I have tried downloading some softwares for the purpose but mostly I found make with them. That’s why I am looking for some online tool that help me convert.

Answered By 0 points N/A #300272

Method For How To Convert Ppt To Excel Tips


Your don’t need to use any online tool to convert the PowerPoint files to excel. Just follow the steps below-
1. Open your ppt file and then copy the whole content
2. Open a new Excel document and select all the cells
3. Then click on the first cell and then format
4. Then proceed to cells and then alignment tab
5. Then select merge
6. Then paste all the content you copied
This how you convert it.

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