Installation software error in LabVIEW FPGA Module

An error occurred after the successful compilation of my FPGA code. It continued until the restart of LabVIEW and the PC. I think that the only way is to remove and reinstall the LabView FPGA Module.
An internal software error in the LabVIEW FPGA Module has occurred. Please contact National Instruments technical support at
Additional Information:
Original error message:
Error 6 occurred at Write to Text File in>>>
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW:Â Generic file I/O error.
NI-488:Â I/O operation aborted.
\.hostShared FoldersDocumentsLabVIEW DataDRELS ProjectFPGA BitfilesDRELS Project.lvproj_FPGA
Help needed to solve this. Thanks.