How to solve Demoshield player error on installation?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I am currently using windows XP, when I try to install my E-MU software on my pc, it stops with the following error message…………

Demoshield player

Demoshield player has been encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience

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Answered By 590495 points N/A #152500

How to solve Demoshield player error on installation?


If this is the first time this happened, try restarting your computer then try it again. See if you can continue installing the program after you rebooted the system. If this doesn’t work, you should check again the technical specifications of the program you are installing to help you verify the compatibility of your system.


If the application is downloaded from the web, try visiting again its website then check the system requirements if it’s available there. Or, if you are running the installation from a CD, check the box of the disc for any information about the program’s requirements.


You may also try searching your hard drive for demo32.exe file. This is the program that launches the DemoShield Player. This program is usually stored on the disc and not on the hard drive.


Click Start then Search. On the left panel, click All files and folders. Type demo32.exe under All or part of the file name then hit Search. If the search was able to find any copy of this file, delete it then restart your computer. Restart again what you are doing to see if the problem is already fixed.

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