How to see the no. of directory in Linux?

I just started using Linux, but I have one problem now. I don't know how to see the number of directory in Linux.
Is it possible to see how many files are there in a Linux directory.
Thanks in advance.

I just started using Linux, but I have one problem now. I don't know how to see the number of directory in Linux.
Is it possible to see how many files are there in a Linux directory.
Thanks in advance.
Here is how to count the number of files in a directory or folder in Linux operating system.
The command is:
ls | wc –l
Enter the command in small letters to avoid any unwanted errors.Â
I just showed it in uppercase to make it more visible.
Try ls -l my/ directory / | wc -l
Replace my/directory with the directory you want to count files in.
ls       : lists the files in the directory.
wc -l :Â counts the actual number of lines .
You can also use:
ls -a  : which will show you all the files including the hidden files
ls -s   : Will show you the size of file as well.
Try ls | xargs wc -l if your directory has large number of files in them