How can I create multicolor links in HTML page ?

Till now there is no way to use two or more color in a single link though you can make a flash animation link that can change color after any given time or you can also use java script to give this kind of effect. So that is not so small thing to know there are many books on this kind of things.
If you concentrate on only HTML you can do one thing. When someone click on a link you can give set another color to display on the other hand there also can be another color sated that come after clicking the link.
So know all this thing you can visit this good learning site.
I’m not sure either if it’s possible to create a link that uses different colors since there is no way of dividing the texts of the link to use different colors. Normally, you can only set and use one color for one link. HTML generally stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard language used by all web browsers to display the website’s contents. HTML4 is the oldest version used since it was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990. It has a very loose syntax and great for amateur developers.
The latest version that is being used right now but may not still be implemented on other websites is HTML5. This is a new specification that is still under development. It offers new functionalities and is becoming popular in the mobile web. Here are several of the new tags available in HTML5:
To see the complete list of new tags in HTML5