GSM modem disconnects after continuous use

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there,

I have been using WiFi with  TMAS GSM/GPRS TMA-M55i Modem and I have Ubuntu 13.10, internet surfing was awesome then suddenly the modem would get really hot and stop connecting until I reboot, I have tried troubleshooting but my connection remains unstable, what could be the problem? I have tried replacing the Modem and am getting the same Problem. 

Answered By 0 points N/A #199559

GSM modem disconnects after continuous use



You are suffering a common problem, but that is not related with installed OS, mainly it is for heating problem. Firstly, you need to reinstall internet software in your machine, if you will still facing that then need to upgrade the modem software. You will need to use upgraded modem which has updated software.

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