FIFA Manager 12 Menus Scroll Display Entire Menu

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

Hello there. I'm a big football fan, especially of FIFA World Cup. I have FIFA Manager 12, a football manager simulation game, from their website. I'm having a problem with the menus. How could I have the FIFA Manager 12 menus scroll display the entire menu? I'm having difficulty seeing the entire menu. Thanks.

Answered By 0 points N/A #133109

FIFA Manager 12 Menus Scroll Display Entire Menu



The application that you are playing requires high graphics. Please make sure you have installed a Graphics card on your computer. If you have installed one, please check the following.

>>Make sure your Graphic resolution is set correctly.

>>Make sure ActiveX is installed properly on your computer.

>>Check if the graphic card driver is updated to the latest version.

If the above steps do not help, try reinstalling the application. This should surely fix the issue on your computer.

Skarbos Jay.

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