Error while Installing Adobe AIR on MAC

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am having a serious problem while trying to install Adobe AIR on my Mac, I’m running OS X 10.5 leopard, A while after launching the Adobe AIR installation a window appears citing this error:

I have checked over and over that the account I’m using has administrator privileges but  the problem is far from being solved I hope I would find an answer her and thanks


An error occurred while installing Adobe AIR. Installation may not be
allowed by your administrator. Please contact your administrator.

Best Answer by mdammad
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #122843

Error while Installing Adobe AIR on MAC

  • First of all make sure that there aren't any previous versions of Adobe AIR installed in your OS X.
  • Uninstall any previous versions of Adobe Air by simply deleting Adobe Air from Applications folder. 
  • In case it's not happening, uninstall it through command-line 'ssh' by using the following command.
  • sudo "./Adobe AIR AIR Installer" -uninstall
  • sudo invokes the administrator from command line, if asked for a password, give it and it'll uninstall.
  • Now install the Adobe AIR after downloading .dmg file from Adobe. Double Click it, it'll mount on the desktop with the same name. Double Click the mounted icon. It'll open a Finder window, just drag and drop the Adobe Air file to Applications folder. It's done.
  • Now close the finder window, then eject the mounted file and save the downloaded file for future usage.​
Answered By 0 points N/A #122844

Error while Installing Adobe AIR on MAC



It seems as if you have an older version of Adobe Air already installed on your machine. Before attempting any installation of Adobe Air, please check your system to ensure one was not installed before. If so, you need to uninstall that version and install the current version. In addition, you must have administrator’s privilege for installation of Adobe Air to be a success. To uninstall a previous version of Adobe Air using your Mac machine, go to:

  1. ‘Applications’
  2. Open the ‘Utilities’ folder
  3. Then double click on ‘Adobe Air Uninstaller’

If you are still having trouble uninstalling it, use this command sudo "./Adobe AIR AIR Installer" -uninstall.


When you have uninstalled Adobe Air, please proceed to installing the newest version. You can also visit for more info.

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