Error 1923. Service VMware Virtual Center Server (vpxd) could not be installed

During the up-gradation of my vCenter Server to version 4.1, I received the following error: “Error 1923. Service VMware Virtual Center Server (vpxd) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services. Etc.”
This error looks strange to me, because I was installing it by using the local Administrator account. That account has enough privileges.
I had rollback my installation. But my database has already migrated to 4.1 formats, I am not having any choice other than to fix this issue and try again. When I saw that the VMware VirtualCenter Server service it was disabled, I assumed that might be the problem. But when I tried to set the services to manual startup, I received the error “The specified service is marked for deletion”.

Error 1923. Service VMware VirtualCenter Server (vp×d) coudnot be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services. The account used to run the service must be valid and the “logon as service” privilege.
Please help.