DDR type memory to a specific mobo

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Has anyone tried using a DDR2 memory and plug it to a DDR capable mobo slot?

Best Answer by Trevor
Answered By 0 points N/A #119197

DDR type memory to a specific mobo



I don’t recommend you doing this. It may corrupt your system. This will somehow give you an error in booting up. Blue screen is possible. Just use DDR memories with your mobo or the other way around. 


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #119198

DDR type memory to a specific mobo


I haven’t tried this and I didn’t attempt to do so. DDR2 is not compatible with DDR Motherboard. You can not insert the memory on the DDR slot of the Motherboard because they have different slot. DRR slot is different from DDR2 slot as well as in DDR3. So if you force to insert a DDR2 memory to a DDR slot, it will damage your Motherboard. It might be burn as well. So better not to do it again if you did it already and you are too lucky that your Motherboard doesn’t burned. Here’s the image where you can see that the notch on DDR, DDR2 and DDR3 memory are different so you can not align the memory if you put it into a different slot.

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