How can I format disk from USB?

Dear Experts,
I am using Windows XP Home Edition. I want to format disk from USB. Is it possible? Can anyone tell me the whole step by step process?

Dear Experts,
I am using Windows XP Home Edition. I want to format disk from USB. Is it possible? Can anyone tell me the whole step by step process?
If your USB cannot be formatted you can follow the following
1. If first time can not formatted reboot the PC and try
2. After reboot your PC If does not format the USB use it in your friend PC or Mac
and try to formatting.
3. For this work if there have valuable data on the drive, you will need to use data recovery software. You may download it from
4. After data recovery you can format your USB follow by following Option:
**option 1: USB may be with Windows internal feature. Go to
'My computer' -> 'Management' -> 'Storage' -> 'Disk
Management' -> highlight your USB disk here and choose format.
4. After this I hope you will be successful.
There are only two possible reasons why a USB flash drive cannot be formatted: first, if the drive is locked and second, if the drive is damaged or reached its end of life. If you cannot format your USB flash drive, check for a switch on the side of the drive. Several USB flash drives include a switch on the side to lock the drive.
This way, no data can be written to the drive. You cannot copy, move, delete, or rename a file in the drive. This can also prevent a virus from penetrating the drive because no data can be written. When a drive is locked, you will normally get a “read-only” error.
On the other hand, if there is no switch on the drive or a different error appears, maybe the drive is failing. USB flash drives have a much shorter lifespan than normal hard drives. A normal hard drive like IDE and SATA contains plates where data is written and stored. A USB flash drive uses only a chip just like with an SSD hard drive.
This is where the data is written and stored. Though data access is much faster with chips compared to plates, the lifespan gets shorter as you copy, move, rename, and delete files. The more frequent you copy files to the drive, the shorter its life will be. The life of a USB flash drive or the period of its usability depends on the number of “writes” to the drive.
As you delete, copy, and move data to the USB flash drive, you are also shortening its life. When you delete a file or folder on the USB flash drive, it causes a “write” to the drive because you are removing the data from the drive by emptying the space the file or folder occupies.
This is the same when you copy data from your hard drive to the USB flash drive, it “writes” the data to the flash drive. Moving data from another drive to the flash drive or within the flash drive is pretty much the same because it performs both deleting and copying of data.
But don’t worry, a USB flash drive has millions of “writes” that’s why it lasts for many years.