Curious about data encryption and its uses
Data encryption is transforming or converting data from plain text to algorithm or cipher. Its purpose is to hide data’s real message to make it unreadable. Only persons who have such knowledge who can convert it back to plain text to read it.
Curious about data encryption and its uses
Data Encryption is a way of storing data electronically. It may sound like a big word but it can simply be put as the language machines generally follow or "use" to understand and function. The machine converts the inputted data into another form( this process is called as encryption). For example the binary code used by the computers is a form of data encryption. The Morse code also uses a similar way of storing and transferring data into a totally different form and which can be only understood by a person who understands the code.
Curious about data encryption and its uses
Data encryption is the process of converting data from one form to another form. Data encryption is the effective way to secure data. Encryption converts data into code which is more secure. When the internet was not popular, the encryption is used for military services. But nowadays for the online banking , online shopping data encryption become popular worldwide.
Even for house security data encryption is used as vast number. Data encryption improved our security method.
Sensitive security:
Powerful customer qualifications to identify users
Granular accessibility management to restrict what customers can see and do
Auditing for accountability
Network security to secure the secrecy of sensitive information during transmission