Cloud system booster 1.0.0 FINAL

I’ve found online a cloud-based tool Cloud System Booster 1.0.0 FINAL to fix and optimize my computer. What services does this software provide except optimization?

I’ve found online a cloud-based tool Cloud System Booster 1.0.0 FINAL to fix and optimize my computer. What services does this software provide except optimization?
Cloud Based System Booster is just like other conventional optimizing and cleaning utilities for eg. Tuneup Utilities. The only thing that sets apart it from other like software is that it is most up to date with user supplied data. So this cloud based technology can be added benefit of this application beside just optimizing. In terms of functions this application can also perform the following tasks.
It scans for unwanted data and cleans the PC thoroughly.(the cleaner also option to clean user specified areas like browser cookies or windows history only.)
The registry fixer is PC repairing utility which repairs PC errors mainly caused by registry faults.
Application optimizer is another new feature beside just system optimizing which enables the installed programs run more faster.
Moreover you have the ability to change the skin of this application
A screenshot is posted below which further clarifies the different tasks it can perform.