About getting image from mobile memory in j2me

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

 I am in a great trouble inthis regard. I want to get image from mobile memory in j2me. How can I do that?

Best Answer by Carl Jack
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Answered By 10 points N/A #159542

About getting image from mobile memory in j2me


Hello Adolf,

In order to get images from mobile memory in j2me, you will need to use the following simple code below:

String initDir = System.getProperty("fileconn.dir.photos");

Note that mobile's Internal Memory can cause an issue in the event that it is limited. Therefore, you will need to use Memory card to when saving the images.

You  as well create a folder in Memory card and then after that you can gain access to  it using E:/<folder-name> in to your J2ME code.

To get more details about getting images from mobile in j2me, you will need to check out the following sites:

You will get codes as well as more information that you may need.



Answered By 0 points N/A #159543

About getting image from mobile memory in j2me


Hello dear,

It is a very easy task to get images from your mobile memory to your computer. There are two ways to do this. The first way is to get a Bluetooth device. Attach it to your computer, and scan for devices. It will find your mobile. Connect it with Bluetooth and transfer files. This is another way that takes the data cable of your mobile and connects your mobile with a data cable to your computer. It will make a flash drive on your computer. Open it and transfer files. Thanks.

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