Microsoft, a well-known and highly reputed and largest revenue multinational company which manufactures the computers, develops the Operating Systems like Windows XP, Windows 7, 8, 10.
It was started by Gentlemen Bill Gates and Paul Allen, in Redmond, Washington on 4 April, 1975. It is also responsible for the works of Internet Explorer, MS Office Suit, and Edge Web Browsers.
Coming to present situation, Microsoft is trying to develop the new technology which does not need any screens for display of the actions in many works. It means everything will be in the space where we can access anywhere without sticking to home or office.

This highly inspirational technique is now going to step up. Yes, Microsoft is on the way to making everything easy and time-consuming methods.
As we know that people will misplace the things, be searching for them minutes and even hours too. To keep a full-stop for this situation, Microsoft is trying to develop this new technique to show you the misplaced things when you need them.
How it Works?
Microsoft has recently applied a patent on “Object Tracking.” It’s really mind-blowing right. Let’s know, how does it work. A device which consists of a camera on the handsets. It will monitors or scans the physical environment with the moving objects around us.
Then due to that monitoring, the device will help you to identify the location of misplacing. It even says us if a material is taken and kept in some other place.

It means, for example, a person called Jack has moved your object or a material from the place you kept. Then it will say the person names that Jack had moved your object to a place. It’s really marvelous, is it? Yes, it looks like machine works as smart as the human and will helps us to get the misplaced things. So this fantastic feature helps us to find the lost keys, and in maximum cases, it will save our time.

By this feature by Microsoft really makes us bother less about our belongs in our surroundings. It not only limited to the Keys but also to our all materials.

The device will be like a Goggles which we wear, and all the set will be fixed to it. As this is not materialized yet, but the scenery can be seen by the Microsoft proposal for the patent on it.
It was really a Virtual, Interactive which really helps us. It will take more time to become a consumer product and to introduce it in the market. As the device is more advanced, so definitely it will be costly compared to others.
Some articles about this technology said that “Augmented reality may one day will be as common as eating three meals a day.” The sentence will show how the world is going to change its phase with the new technology and expanding boundaries of it.