
I used Windows XP (service pack 2) before. Recently,  started using Windows 7. Everything was ok but when I watched something in YouTube via internet using Firefox browser,  I encountered same problems with all the videos:  YouTube videos run so slowly . I am not talking about buffering problem. I installed adobe flash player (latest) also.

I didn't encounter this problem when I used (windows XP service pack 2) . Now what can I do to solve this problem?

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Hi everybody,


I'm seeking a good anti-virus to protect my laptop, I had a pretty bad experience with KIS, that's because I'm truly attempted to try another antivirus, I heard somewhere that bitdefender was awarded best one last year, do you confirm ?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing from you !

My best regards.

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I bought a WiFi router yesterday and connected it through my SmartBro WIMAX.

After that, I tested my laptop to check if I can connect to the internet and without any hassle everything works fine.

Just this morning I tried to connect my Apple iPhone, through the WiFi network but it fails.

An error message pops up telling me, that I failed to connect my Apple iPhone.

The message says something like this Unable to Join Network Failure error 3


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I am trying to install MS Office2010, but it is not working at all.

The only thing I see is this, for just a fraction of a second,

Please wait while setup prepares the necessary files

Microsoft Office

Please wait while setup prepares the necessary files

And then it disappears completely. I have tried to use different Ms Office 2010 softwares, but the problem still persists, My computer is not the best, but I think it meets the minimum requirements to install it.

My computer basically has 1 GB of ram, 160 GB disk space and a speed of 1.66 GHz.


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Please help me.

Every time I open my Internet Explorer browser, the anti virus send me the message shown here. What does it mean?

I am thinking  that the browser is sending my private data away to other people or to someone. The words' Private data and password access. allowed', what do they mean in a normal language?

Is it just the browser accessing the data or is it accessing and sending it?

Kaspersky Anti-Virus
(PIC: 2488):
Behavior similar to PDM. Private data and passwords access.

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Hi everybody,

I am having a problem with my new VAIO laptop Y series with 130 GB Hard Drive, 2 GB RAM. It was accompanied with Windows 7 starter kit OS with limited features. The plan was to change from Windows 7 starter to Windows 7 Professional.

During the process of installation with Windows 7 professional, I change/edit the partition and formatted it. I notice that the default drive C is only 10 GB and not 130 GB and the Windows installation setup and display a message that it needs a driver for the SATA drive. To my surprise, I opted with the...

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Some of the computers in our school computer room had a problem recently. When my friends and I were using the personal computers to study, the error appeared at the right-side of bottom of Windows.:

There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network

Windows – System Error

There is an IP address conflict with another system on the


Could anyone help us to solve this error?

Thanks a lot.

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I am using a Kaspersky Antivirus 2011. Every time I start my computer, it reports to me that "The databases are absolute, update now." When I update, it keeps on repeating the same error message and adding that it never completed updating. What is the problem with it as I have a good internet access.

Thank you in advance.
Yours James Jude.

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Hi! I need some help. Is there any software available which detects itself that there is a file in computer which is not working properly. And that software itself heal that file. It should also delete the unwanted files from the computer to maintain the computer speed. If you have any idea please let me know. And also attach link of that software. thanks.

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Usually we use different drives like FLASH etc for carrying data from one place to another. Is it possible that we may use any software that may be available on one computer (sender) and on the another (receiver's) computer as well, so through that software we may transfer data instead of taking flash drives with us?

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