
There is a strange error message which I receive when I am using my MS Word 2003 on a Windows Vista Ultimate machine. I have English version of MS Office installed on my machine.

I create a document using MS Word, save it in a particular location on my hard drive. But when I try to do any modification in the document which I have already saved, I get an error message

“The list of common French (France) Auto Corrections is not available. This feature is not currently installed. Would you like to install it now?

I do not remember making any...

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Has anyone come across an error message while saving an email attachment on to your local drive? Here is a screen shot of the error message

Microsoft Office

There are not enough resources to complete the operation. Save your work, close other programs, and then try again.

I have been using this server Win 2003 SP 2 machine from the past one year and have not faced any problems like this. Recently due to security reasons I installed a mail options (Anti Virus) on my exchange server (Exchange 2007 SP 1 )  to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic.

I have...

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What is the difference between Physical memory and Available memory?

And How can I check the two?

Please. give me accurate answers.

Thank you.

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Hello everyone,

Something strange happened to my computer last day. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate. I put some gadgets on it. The problem is that I cannot see them anymore. I don't know what exactly happened because it suddenly disappears.

I tried to put it back but still I cannot see it. When I put the calendar, I could see the X icon and option but no calendar and then the option won't work and nothing happens when I click it.

How can I get it back?or how could I make it work again?

Please do help me.

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One of our sub network in the office has lost connection. The network icon on the system tray says, "Limited or No Connectivity".

I attempted to solve the problem, by checking all the cables in the switch where the problem occurs and the switch seems to be working fine. It took me almost two hours to figure it out, but it seems not to be working.

The switch is 8 port fast Ethernet. All the computers in that network are using Windows XP as operating system.

Anyone have an idea what the problem is?

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      My pc had encountered terrible problem. When I boot it I got a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). It says STOP ERROR 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM. I tried to boot it in last known good configuration but it did not work. I also tried to boot in safe and still had no luck at all. I asked my friend to slave my hard disk in his pc. The disk has no problem when I checked it. I tried to run chkdsk but still no use. It was functioning properly yesterday and got no problem. Can anyone help me? I don't...

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I am an end user of computer, and I have this problem.

I would like to connect/link my friend's computer with mine, since we are all connected to the internet. I would like to retrieve some information he shared and told me that I can still access it, without necessarily going to his place.

What should I do to access the information? I am using Windows XP.

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Hi, a third-party software was installed and infected the computer therefore a display was reported that outcome.  The report could be found in a log file.  The name of the log file was mrt.log in folder of %WINDIR% debug folder.

Is there any MS software tool that could be used to check the operating system and erase any infections?  Anyone could help me to fix this?  

Thanks in advance.

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I just installed acid pro but when I run it, gives a message "The version of %1 is not compatible with the version you're running.

Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an X86 (32-bit) or X64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher." 

please help i got window XP


216 (0XD8)

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After installing Windows 7, I installed audio driver. Then when PC restarted, I got this message:

A driver (service) for this device has been disabled. An alternate driver may be providing this functionality. (Code 32) 

I can't get any sound also, what should I do?

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