Incoming and Outgoing Mail Servers for Netscape Email

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

What are the main Netscape incoming and outgoing mail servers and what are their main functions?

Answered By 5 points N/A #115966

Incoming and Outgoing Mail Servers for Netscape Email


The Netscape Incoming Mail Server (POP3) is: (port 110).

And the Netscape Outgoing Mail Server is- (port 25).

Always use a secure SSL/TLS connection in both cases.

As the Netscape e-mail system is totally web-based email system like Yahoo or Google, you can access their e-mail from anywhere using any kind of internet connection. In addition the Netscape Internet Service also does support Microsoft® Outlook, AOL® Communicator, Microsoft® Outlook Express, and most importantly other POP3 e-mail software.

By POP3 function if available in the device, you can full have access to the Netscape e-mail account or server whatever you call from your mobile or other devices having working internet connection.

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