Among Windows 7 Speech Recognition Vs Dragon Naturally Speaking, Which Is The Best

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

which is the best Windows based technology till date for the speech to text process? It is still a Windows 7 Speech Recognition Vs Dragon Naturally Speaking competition, but who always wins is the question?

Answered By 0 points N/A #287014

Among Windows 7 Speech Recognition Vs Dragon Naturally Speaking, Which Is The Best


Till today, even after 17 years the most favorite option for speech recognition technology is the dragon naturally speaking. It is worldwide known for its standard quality for Windows. Every new release comes up with amazing features and high level improvement from its previous version.

So, there is no point of asking such question as which is best among Windows 7 Speech Recognition Vs Dragon Naturally Speaking? The answer is obvious and it is still the only choice for anyone who wants a speech recognition technology. It is due to its simplicity that requires some more or less 10 minutes to train and handle the software completely. Even when tested with low quality microphones, not so surprising that dragon naturally speaking tech worked really well.


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