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I am currently using Windows starter as my OS.  I want to upgrade it to Professional or Ultimate.  Are there any rules when upgrading OS?

Especially Windows 7, because I have heard on the other websites, it is difficult to upgrade, because some of the software may not be compatible...

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My brother gave me his old Samsung galaxy ace mobile phone. I am new to the android OS. I am always reading PDF files for my work as a lecturer. Can anyone help me find a free software to read PDF files that i can download. Software must be...

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I'm having a setup here. But along the while the error came up. I don't know why I have this error.

I have an OS running good and fine Windows7 all good to me.

Provide some solution.



CXMLFile() -> couldn’t instance IID_IXMLDOMDocument2


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Its been about 3weeks since I have been using x4 and today I got the below error.

I don't know what was the cause of this error. I have a windows 7 running very great, but the error came you.

Provide some good advice on how I'll resolve this issue.


Product installation unsuccessful, please reinstall...

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I have a problem about how will I connect my Program or Software to the Database using C++ Programming Language.

Do I have to make a code for connecting my database?
How can I also create a database and what database that could be compatible with C++ Programming?

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I'm trying to open up this page but it says, "It seems the item you requested has been misplaced. Please check your Internet connection, cross your fingers, and try again".

I checked my Internet connection and it all connected. Please provide some solution.

The page at

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Hi guys,

Can anyone tell why I got this annoying error. I don't what really happened on here.

I just opened some of my keys in everyday when iam on my laptop but now I got this error saying that

Error Opening Key Cannot open .raw : Error while opening key. 

I have Windows7 all running fine.

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Just installed a new Hauppauge HD PVR.

When I go to Setup Television in MC the HD PVR shows as a Tuner but when I click on Configure I get the error message "Xtreme Tuner HD Initiate hardware failed!". 

Xtreme Tuner HD

Initiate hardware failed!

Please confirm NVidia driver has...

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Hello, I have a question about how can I create a database with Java and how can I also connect that database to my Application or Software.

What are the keys to create and connect the Database to my Application or Software?

Can you give me an...

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I recently acquired 2 projectors from my friend’s office that purchased new projectors to replace the old ones so I told them I could dispose their old hardware.

Now, curious in the capacity of my new devices I want to setup the devices that the pictures projects are side by...

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