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Is it the cause’s problems of any hard drive to format it several times?

Any help is greatly appreciated

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Some times my computer suddenly freezes the it completely halt. How can I get a solution for it?

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Some times windows tell me that your virtual memory is too low, how I can see the windows virtual memory?

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My computer is affected by virus. To protect it from virus, I have installed AVG Anti-virus, but after I install it, the computer's performance is too slow.

Please help.

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 My CD ROM drive is one year old now suddenly it can not perform. What can I do?

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Yesterday morning when start my computer I sow that my computer has no sound. Please help.

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Some times I am deed to use more display or projector in my computer. How can I use that?

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 I have a HP 2410 scanner but I could get a good performance when I scan an image.

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The shared and non shared data in the kernel structure will be manipulated through the coordination of the UNIX activities where it passes to the Windows NT between the kernel I/O components. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these...

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What is performance optimization? Please discuss the details of how the optimization performance affects or result the difficulties of maintaining the consistency of the systems during the future event of computer crashes or performance bar down.

Please I need an elaborative explanation.

Thank you so much.

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