Windows XP looping and will not log on.

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

I downloaded windows XP and got error file not found setuporg.exe and presetup.cmd. I cannot start my pc as it keeps aborting. Any fixes please. I am desperate thanks.

Best Answer by Jackman
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Answered By 0 points N/A #81427

Windows XP looping and will not log on.



Whenever you get an error whether downloading or while running an application on your system you should always remember to restart your system. This enables it to refresh and therefore the memory is not lost in your case you did not state whether you followed this simple measure could be costing your system's memory.

You may try installing the latest version OS from Redmond I tried it and never have regretted about my trial. Another issue could be with your version of XP is it an original version if not then this could be the major reason why it keeps on aborting. Try to check that all that I have sited here are not an issue before you try a new version.

Answered By 0 points N/A #81429

Windows XP looping and will not log on.



These errors are commonly results from the unedited text set-up files called the txtsetup.sif in the package files notepad. Therefore, to solve the error, you need to edit the notepad file itself. This is what you will be required to do.
1. Open the set-up file i. e. txtsetup.sif that is majorly for the preset-up command i. e. presetup.cmd. You will find the presetup.cmd below the setuporg.exe
2. Then edit them as shown from number 3 below:
In case you are not able to find the files, then you need to find the first occurrence of the words (SourceDisksFiles),
 3. Then under this text add the following;
  • presetup.cmd =1,,,,,,,2,0,0
  • setupORG.exe =1,,,,,,,2,0,0
4. After that, ensure that the setuporg.exe and the presetup.cmd are also in existent in the directory 1386. Before proceeding, ensure that your texts appear as:
  • (SourceDisksFiles)
  • presetup.cmd =1,,,,,,,2,0,0 setupORG.exe =1,,,,,,,2,0,0
Then proceed with the setup all the way to the end. That will help you in solving the problem.
If the above solution does not help in resolving the issue, then it will require you to get a new package download, because you must have skipped a very important step in the download process. Follow this procedure.
1. Go back to the site you downloaded the software and the make sure you get the Driver-Pack base.
2. Execute the file to extract the folder contents.
3. Select the Driver-Packs folder.
4. Download all the driver-Pack components into this folder, for efficiency; skip the Driver-Pack for mass storage.
5. On complete download, click on the file (BTS_DPs_Slipstreamer_V505x.cmd) and continue the installation to the end. This will ensure that all the necessary files are redirected into the directory (UWXPCD_ROOT).
6. Copy these files in this root directory i. e. (UWXPCD_ROOT) into the root directory 1386.
7. Click and run the (RUN_ME.CMD) and select the (RunOnceEx) option.
8. Input the default number 937 on request.
9. Let the script run to completion and then provide your ISO.
That will automatically solve the problem.
Answered By 75 points N/A #81431

Windows XP looping and will not log on.



I am trying to understand your question. You are saying that you downloaded windows XP and it gave you the errors as you have indicated. Was this when you were trying to run the installation or after you had installed windows XP on your system?

Because if the error occurred when you were running the installer, then there are some important set up files that are missing because they did not download well or the software is corrupt.

But if the error is occurring after you successfully the windows XP set up, then there are some important registry files that were not copied successfully, or the set up could have been corrupt and did bring up the error during the installation which are manifesting now. If that is the case then you need to get another version of XP and install it on your computer.

Hope this helps.



Lee Hung

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