Why On-Screen Keyboard tool is used?

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

We use the keyboard to type very first and easy. Why Microsoft Windows XP has On-Screen Keyboard tool.

Best Answer by Elliottsims
Answered By 0 points N/A #82532

Why On-Screen Keyboard tool is used?

To enter master password and other data such as a password entry (e.g. Online banking password) on-screen Keyboard is used. Keystrokes that could be infiltrated  by Key loggers can be avoided by using it.
It is also used if physical keyboard is not available.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #82535

Why On-Screen Keyboard tool is used?



There are several reasons why this tool exists on our windows OS. The main objective why Microsoft makes this tool is to help people with motion disabilities. This program can ease and gives them the ability to type without using both hands and when you accidentally spill a drink on your keyboard this tool will save your day. 



Answered By 0 points N/A #82534

Why On-Screen Keyboard tool is used?


Hi there,

Virtual Keyboard

On-Screen Keyboard function primarily intended to alternate input text. For the example, it's for pen-based computing, LCD, etc. On-Screen Keyboard also help users who don't have a physical keyboard or maybe the user keyboard is broken. So in some cases the On-Screen Keyboard would be useful.

Hope this answer satisfy you.


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