Why are there memory leaks in AJAX

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Recently i witnessed a new weakness while using AJAX. When this happens it can result in the content destroying the rest of the page and all the work that was done earlier will be lost. This did not happen when i used AJAX earlier.

If any one have any clue on how to resolve this please do reply. Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #84314

Why are there memory leaks in AJAX



Actually I don't know the appropriate answer for this question you type here. But I am trying to give you an appropriate answer investigating more research on Internet.

After a lot of testing, I have found that the memory leak only occurs if the AJAX calls are being responded to. If the server doesn't respond to anything, I can leave the page open for hours and the footprint won't grow.

I am using prototype for my AJAX calls. So, I'm guessing there is an issue with the onSuccess callback creating these memory leaks.

Hope this will help you.

Good Luck!



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