Where can I find standard billing block movie name order?

Asked By 80 points N/A Posted on -


I am very interested in designing . Recently I've heard about one kind of designing called billing block movie. Is there any websites or reference book which are available and where can  I find standard billing block movie name order?

Answered By 0 points N/A #155459

Where can I find standard billing block movie name order?



A Billing Block is the credit block that you see at the bottom of a movie poster.   You can create your own if you have Adobe Photoshop or GIMP installed.  You can download GIMP2.0 for free from here.  This is how you create a Billing Block:   Open your program and click on Text tool button on the tool bar.  The tool bar should be on your left, it will automatically open when you start GIMP.  If you do not see it then, click on Tools and select the tool bar.  Choose a font such as Futura condensed, UniversThin Ultra Condensed or sans serif.  Then, choose a color and the alignment you would like to use for your Billing Block.  Now, click at the top left corner of the page to place the credit billing block.  Drag the cursor to the bottom right corner to where you want to place the block. A text block will be created and now you can start typing the content you want for your movie poster Billing Block.  Usually, you should type the production company and credit before you type the title of the movie.  You can adjust the size of the content by editing the font size. Finally, add the logo.
I hope this is helpful.

Here is a snapshot of GIMP.

A snapshot of a textbox.

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