What is Wrap Text formula in MS Excel

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

I am novice to the computer though I have to regular use the Excel due to my office requirements, If anyone knows the how to wrap texts formula for MS Excel. Though I can use the wrap text and it’s useful for me but I want to know the formula. I know this may be very easy question but if anyone knows the formula then please share it with me as this will be great useful me.

Answered By 10 points N/A #180770

What is Wrap Text formula in MS Excel



How are you? If the text in any cell of an excel file transcends the pre-determined length, then it is necessary to enclose the text. To wrap the text in any cell of an excel file we have to select the cell first. And so we have to come home on the home tab. From Alignment option we have to select and click on wrap option. That’s it exactly.

Moreen Jamnelly.

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