What is the price of the Xtatic Pro ?

I have decided to buy the new gaming device from sharkoon Xtatic Pro . But I need to know the price of the device in USA. How much it costs to buy the new Xtatic pro from sharkoon ?

I have decided to buy the new gaming device from sharkoon Xtatic Pro . But I need to know the price of the device in USA. How much it costs to buy the new Xtatic pro from sharkoon ?
Hello Pamela,
Your choice for the headset is very good. The price of this product in USA is 159$. Shipment and other cost may also be included . You can buy this in Amazon, Gamestop, GoGamer and many other sites too with small shipment cost in USA. This product will be available in market this month (June). You may buy this product as this has some wide variety of benefits. Otherwise you may wait for the upcoming product of Sharkoon the xtatic air headset. X-tatic air is more versatile than the X-tatic pro I think. Although for recent product X-tatic Pro is second best. So let's make the right decision.