Wanted To Know More On Sip Trunking vs. PRI

I am planning to start a business. I got confused in making a decision whether to go for SIP trunking or PRI. Is there any cost effective way without skimming the quality?

I am planning to start a business. I got confused in making a decision whether to go for SIP trunking or PRI. Is there any cost effective way without skimming the quality?
PRI (~Primary Rate Interface) is a dedicated voice transmission service. SIP Trunking uses existing data line for voice transmission. PRI has better Quality but expensive than SIP trunking. SIP trunking sends data as other data’s and not getting a priority hence quality will be poor. But on the less expensive side. Purchasing an MPLS (~Multiprotocol Label Switching) for SIP trunk is on the much expensive side. So the solution to your question depends on the average use you may come across. PRI uses 23 dedicated lines you pay for even if you use it or not. But if you are having only average use of 5-10 better go for MPLS. It is applicable if the quality is much priority for you. Business loses money every second that your phones are offline. Or else easy solution is to go for SIP trunk first. On heavy traffic reroute it to PRI. Remember there is initially a setup cost for SIP trunk.