URGENT : I get my laptop wet

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I know I may sound so silly by did this accident. I accidentally spilled water on to my laptop, and I don't had a chance to disconnected it. So it suddenly turned out "dead". So what should I do now? My laptop won't get back on again.

Help me.

Best Answer by technicalgeek
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #81935

URGENT : I get my laptop wet


There is no need to worry about you laptop if you got your laptop wet then what you have to do. Disconnect you battery from you laptop and then open all the screws from you laptop so that you can see its motherboard.

Keep you laptop in sunlight form about three to four hours and then clean it with petrol. Then again keep in sun to dry fully. Then turn all your laptop casing off and connect your battery.

With laptop now turn it on it will be running properly and you will enjoy your laptop once again. Hope this will solve your problem and thanks for asking in techyv.com. Thanks

Answered By 0 points N/A #81936

URGENT : I get my laptop wet


Don't try, to plug it on again while still wet. Let it sit for another hour or so, and try again. If it's still not starting up, you may have shorted something and you'll have to check with HP tech support about getting it repaired.

Laptop components are all very integrated with one another and close together inside the case, so it doesn't take a lot for a bit of moisture from a spill to get somewhere where you don't want it. And it doesn't take too much for a spill to do damage. Using a laptop is like using an opened PC tower, as far as vulnerability to the insides go.

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