Upgrade Windows XP pro to another

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi Techyv experts,

I want to ask if i can upgrade Windows XP pro from my new PC to my other computer without any hesitations and is there any way to know how much memory will be taken after i upgraded it ? Any help.
Thank you.
Best Answer by lee hung
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Best Answer
Answered By 75 points N/A #94363

Upgrade Windows XP pro to another


Hello Chelsea,

Your question is a bit confusing. You are saying that you want to upgrade your XP on the computer you are using to another, or am I getting you wrong.

All I know is that you can perform an upgrade of an operating system on the same computer that you are using, but if you have another computer that you need to have on it a version of an operating that is not XP, then you will need to perform an installation on that computer.

If you need to have say windows 7 on your other computer, then you will have to get windows 7 installation CD and then run it on that computer to install windows 7.

But if your question meant that you want to upgrade from XP to a higher version on the computer that you are using then you can just insert a windows 7 CD in the DVD ROM and then choose the option to upgrade.



Lee Hung

Answered By 0 points N/A #94364

Upgrade Windows XP pro to another


The question is a bit unclear. Do you mean to say you want to transfer your Windows XP from one computer to another. There is a problem here. You need a cd key for installing windows XP.

It is illegal to use the cd key in another computer while already using a computer with that key unless the license you bought is for more than one user. Thus if Microsoft finds that you are using an invalid cd key it will cause your operating system to display annoying messages and it will limit in functionality, for example you want be able to update your Windows XP.

Answered By 0 points N/A #94366

Upgrade Windows XP pro to another


I am sorry Lee Hung for my confusing question. Oh, I thought we could upgrade other PC using other PC also. Well, you made it clear that there are different upgrades of Windows and that must be done by one PC.

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