Update failed Update for Windows Phone 7 for ISV beta

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


UPDATE ERROR appears when I want to update my Windows Phone. Now I really want to update my Phone because my phone is full with errors and crashes. Can anyone help me to update my Windows Phone properly ? If you have some time please tell me more about this error code…

Thanks !

Windows Phone


Update failed: Update for Windows Phone 7 for ISV beta (7720)

We weren’t able to update your phone. Please try again. After updating you might need to manually re-sync your pictures and other media.

We’re having some trouble updating your phone. Try installing the update again.

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Answered By 0 points N/A #177115

Update failed Update for Windows Phone 7 for ISV beta


Hi Vera,


You have to remove the proxy server because this is one factor causing that problem. To remove it, run cmd or command prompt as administrator. Your computer may ask for the password of the administrator, just type it and click continue. In the typing field, type the command " netsh winhttp show proxy " then press enter. Direct Acces<no proxy server> will only appear if there were no proxy server. After listing the proxy server, type " netsh winhttp reset proxy ", then press the enter again. Lastly, type " exit " then press enter to close the command prompt.

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