Unvisible images in SharePoint 2010 law office template

A word document contains some images and signs, but these are not visible in Sharepoint 2010 law office template. How can I make these images visible?

A word document contains some images and signs, but these are not visible in Sharepoint 2010 law office template. How can I make these images visible?
There are different ways of adding images to Microsoft SharePoint 2010. Here is one example on how you can do this. The process is achieved in two steps. First, put or copy the supposed images or pictures somewhere or like in a folder, then second, insert them using the Image Properties.
To get images into the hive, you can add them in a number of places. One such place is the Images folder. Just like what is described in the screenshot below, the directory path to the folder is: C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions14TEMPLATEIMAGES.
See All Things SharePoint, Office and Azure Development for the complete guide.