Transitioning to IPv6 : When to upgrade?
IPv4 and IPv6 are now coexisting. What is the effect of this coexistence? When should those on IPv4 transition to IPv6?
IPv4 and IPv6 are now coexisting. What is the effect of this coexistence? When should those on IPv4 transition to IPv6?
The effect is not realized by native users. Such effects are visible only after the IPV6 comes into effect. Recently the IPV4 is mapped to IPV6 and thus there is time for the people who has not still upgraded to IP V6 to go of it recently. The software also needs the configuration of the IPV6 protocol.
The IPV4 is functioning very well and in fact that very recently all will be upgraded to IP V6 from IPV4. Increase in the address space and reduce complexity of algorithms and the security along with guidelines to pass packets with small and big frames are its main features.