Event 1057, Terminal Services-Remote Connection Manager

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Techyv buddies!

I am having some trouble with the Terminal Services-Remote connection Manager. A self-signed certificate is needed to be used by the Terminal Server authentication when connecting to SSL which fails to create by the terminal server.

The key that is relevant to the status code is not valid to use in the in the certain state.

Here are the following problem that shows:

Log name: system

Source; Terminal Services – remote Connection Manager

Event id: 1057

Keywords: classic

OpCode: info

Any help will greatly be appreciated.

Answered By 10 points N/A #148377

Event 1057, Terminal Services-Remote Connection Manager


Hello Catlin,

  1. You will need to delete the self-signed certificate. You can delete it using mmc.exe, and then add Certificates snapin, and after that select Computer account. The self-signed certificate will be found under Remote DesktopCertificates.
  2. After you have successfully deleted the certificate you will need to restart the Remote Desktop Configuration service. Go to the Event Viewer and make sure that the event id: 1056 from Source: TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager has been logged. That implies that a new certificate has been created.
  3. Next go to the RD Session Host Configuration, tsconfig.msc, and then double click RDP-Tcp. You will need to set the security layer to SSL or Negotiate and the after that you will select your GoDaddy certificate.
  4. You will need to test by connecting using Remote Desktop in Full Screen mode. After that you will need to click the padlock icon on the connection bar, and then click view certificate.




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